Friday 28 June 2013

Craft Bag Tutorial

Hi everyone,

We have been blessed to have my Mum & Dad visiting with us over this last week and a half.  My Mum has energetically been helping me in the garden and Dad helps as and where he can too.

This week I have a free pattern and tutorial for you all.

This is a lovely craft bag - perfect for taking with you to the park, commuting, to the doctors waiting room etc etc.  I find it is a perfect size for crochet projects on the go.

The original pattern is based on a bag my Granny used to use for her craft.

Anyway, enough waffling on - 
As the pattern template covers an A3 sheet of paper, you will need to download 2 pdf documents and tape/glue them together to have the complete template.  Remember to print at 100%
Click Here for Sheet 1
Click Here for Sheet 2
12mm (1/2") seams allowed in the pattern
Once you have joined the template, trace a copy.  Fold your lining fabric  and main fabric double pin the pattern on and cut out.
Sew Main fabric bag, right sides together around the side and bottom edge (edge seam if desired).  Repeat for Lining. clip curves .
 Fold down about 12mm (1/2") or slightly more of the top of the strap of the lining to wrong side and press.

Turn the Lining the right way out and slip it inside the (still wrong way out) main bag.

Match side seams.  Pin and sew bag lining and main together around the curved strap edges - making sure to leave the top edge (where you folded down the lining) open.

 Make snips around the curve, towards your seam but not cutting the seam at all - this ensures the curve of the bag will sit nicely.  Turn the bag the right way out through one of the open ends at the top of the strap.

 Twist the handle, so that you can pin the main fabric bag at the top of the strap, right sides together - make sure you haven't twisted the bag strap one too many times (Like I did with one of mine on the first go!!)
 Machine sew the top of the main fabric straps right sides together, taking care to not catch the lining fabric in your seam (it can help to pin lining further back out the way).
 Open the Main Fabric seam out flat and tuck each side into the bag strap.  It should look something like this.  Hand-sew the two lining edges together.
 To give the bag a nice finished look, top-stitch around each side opening.

I hope you enjoy making this bag as much as I did.  I was able to make one for my lovely Mother while she was here and I have a spare to give away to one of my beautiful sisters too.

Happy Days!


Friday 21 June 2013

Hi everyone,

Today I am posting up a free pattern for doll undies!!  Isn't it always the way - doll's gone and lost her undies again!!

Well this essential wardrobe element now need never be in short supply again.

Click Here to download a .pdf file with the pattern and instructions.  Remember to print the file at 100% to ensure that the sizing is correct.


Thursday 13 June 2013

Crochet Hook Holder

Here are a couple of pictures of a gift I finished last week to send to my sister for her birthday.

She has recently been enjoying learning to crochet, so I have made a crochet hook holder for her.

I originally saw the idea in a book, but have personalised this one with a crochet flower, fabric tie and a very retro lining and pockets!!

Hope she likes it!!

Friday 31 May 2013


Guess what arrived in the mail today!!  The sew-in labels I ordered a few weeks ago.  So Exciting!!  

I have been having fun this week sewing them in to various garments - hats and skirts, mostly.  Thinking about applying for a stall at one of the local markets next month - what do you think?

Until next time - I hope you have a lovely week creating away.
Take care

Thursday 23 May 2013

Crochet Cushion

Hi everyone,

I have been enjoying doing some crocheting lately - I've been enjoying learning a couple of new techniques.  This project I found in a lovely book called "Cute and Easy Crochet" by Nicki Trench.  It is  a circle cushion cover in rainbow colours.  This is such a wonderful book with fantastic photos and instructions - At last my circles sit flat!!! 

The cover of course, calls for a circular cushion insert, as I didn't have one on hand, and didn't want to rush around seeing if I could buy one, decided to make a cushion insert instead.  To do this, trace out a circle (or other shape if you are making a different design) on paper as a pattern making it slightly larger (about 1.5cm [3/4"] larger than cushion cover- cut out.
   Choose some fabric for your insert cover (I used plain calico) and using your paper pattern, cut out the  circles.  sew them right sides together around the edge but MAKE SURE TO Leave a gap for turning and putting the wadding in (so don't sew all the way around the circle).  Keep the seam allowance small (about 8 - 10mm [3/8"]) and use a small stitch size.  clip all curves (allows the shaping to sit nicely).
 Turn the insert cover the right way out, and fill with wadding through the opening you left (I used wadding from a normal pillow for this).  When the cushion is full and firm enough for your liking, hand-sew the opening closed.  Crochet the two circles right sides together around the edge, placing your insert inside the cover before the circle is completely closed. Finish crocheting around the edge, and thread in any ends.  Woo Hoo all done!!

My daughter was thrilled with her new rainbow cushion!!

Enjoy :-)

Friday 26 April 2013

Hi everyone,

We are just recently back from a wonderful family holiday!!  The last week of which was especially good as we soaked up lots of sun, swam in the sea (and pool) and soaked up the beautiful view from our apartment - through the palm trees to the aqua blue ocean....aaaah.  

Back to work and the swing of life now....I have some new things planned for posting up soon.  However, for the moment I am including the websites of a couple of online stores stocking the Rockhopper sewing patterns.

If you would like to purchase sewing patterns, why not try one of these suppliers?


Friday 15 March 2013

Excited, Excited

So excited to be part of the Creative Abundance team of designers!!  My hopes of the past year have been realised with the publication of my first patterns.  Why not hop on over to the Patterns tab, have a look and let me know what you think???

Hope you're having a great week too.
